Our speaker for the September Zoom meeting was Clinton Miller, K0GR. Clint gave the basics for Fox Hunting and some personal stories. The link to Clint's presentation is here Fox Hunting 101 Presentation . The club will hold a Fox Hunt on October 11th at 1pm. The location most likely be the El Dorado Hills CSD Park on El Dorado Hills Blvd.
EDCARC held Field Day at the Windmiller Farms in Apple Hill, QTH of Tony Miller, W6QA
We all had a great time thanks to Tony, W6QA and Roger KN6JHV. I can't wait to see how our combined scores will add up. Thanks to everyone who submitted logs.
Entry received at: 2020-07-20 15:35:36
Call Used: AG6AU GOTA Station Call: (NONE) ARRL/RAC Section: SV Class: 1A
Participants: 8 Club/Group Name: El Dorado County ARC
Power Source(s): Generator
Power Multiplier: 2X
Preliminary Total Score: 1,156
Bonus Points:
100% emergency power 100
Public location 100
Formal message to ARRL SM/SEC 100 - Documented by EDCARC Field Day.eml
Site visit by invited elected official 100
Site visit by invited served agency 100
Safety officer 100 - Documented by Safety Officer Check List - El Dorado County ARC - AG6AU.pdf
Entry submitted via web 50
Total bonus points 650
Score Summary: (Cabrillo log/dupe sheet file: AG6AU.log)
CW Digital Phone Total
Total QSOs 0 0 253
Total Points 0 0 253 253 Claimed Score = (QSO points x power mult) = 506
Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:
CW Digital Phone
QSOs Pwr(W) QSOs Pwr(W) QSOs Pwr(W)
40m 199 100
20m 54 100
TOTAL 0 0 253
Wednesday Activity Night we met on 28.415MHz USB and had a group of 11 check into the group. Most signals were very good. We even had a check-in from WA, N1JJB Joshua. Eight participants were able to copy Joshua. Very good night for 10m and a lot of fun. Roger was copying us on three different remote SDR receivers.
Our next meeting will be a week from this Thursday. Meeting date is May 28th.
This will be another Zoom meeting. A link for the meeting will be sent out in about a week.
This month, we're going to do shack tours and we need your pictures!
Send me your ham shack and antenna pictures and I'll assemble everything in a Powerpoint file for the meeting. We will then let you describe your station to us in detail as I pull up the pictures. Oh, and it never hurts to have a significant other, your cat, your dog, your gold fish, your garden, or whatever in the background. Let's make this a fun Zoom meeting.
I want all pictures. If all you have is a handy-talky, we want to see a picture of it! If you have multiple towers and antennas and rigs, we want to see them! If your broccoli is doing fine, well shoot a picture of it!
Send everything to me: