We had 20 participants for the Antenna Shootout and ran 41 tests consisting of mobiles, handhelds and portables. The weather was great and Tony, W6QA provided the club an excelent tesing location. Bob W1RH and Karen on the measurement side of the test did an excelent job. It was good to see some club members and prospective club members in person. More infomation will be presented at the April club meeting.
Raw data from antenna test. Raw Antenna Test Measurements
Thanks to everyone who attended the APRS demonstration on March 18th. If you missed the Zoom meeting I will be posting a recording soon. Below are links to the slide deck and some web pages mentioned during the presentation.
https://aprs.fi Live on-line APRS Data
http://www.aprs.org/ APRS Information
Recorded Zoom Presentation
For all of the CW operators there is a new CW net. The CW net is on 6m at 50.099. It is being held every Monday evening at 7:30PM. The net controll station is Mark K6JJR in Auburn. The net will run at the speed of the slowest operator. Even for new CW operators listing to a net is good practice for improving your CW copy ability.
The El Dorado County ARC is celebrating the 173rd aniversy of the discovery of gold in California. Listen for our club members caling CQ as AG6AU on HF and VHF bands during the weekend of January 23rd and 24th. Contacts can request a QSL card by sending a self addressed, stamped envelope to:
El Dorado County ARC
P.O. Box 451
Placerville, CA 95667
We look forward to working you during our special event weekend.