At our May 2022 Meeting Bob, W1RH presented the history of Amateur Radio Call Sign issuing. Steve, W1SRD played some audio of phone pileups he observed from his TX5N Raivavae, Austral Islands operation. The radio club also elected its officers for the next year.
President | Jay Harmor | KE6GLA |
Vice President | JR Harmon | K6LBP |
Secretary | Susan Keale | KM6NFP |
Treasurer | Nancy Harmor | KG6PNP |
Director | Tony Miller | W6QA |
Director | Bob Hess | W1RH |
Director | Alan Thompson | W6WN |
Director | Don Brooks | KG6YST |
Director | Jordan Heichman | WC6J |
Director | Doris Wong | K0BEE |
Repeater Trustee | Bob Hess | W1RH |
Director | Jeremy Dean | W6TKD |