At the club meeting on August 23rd several of the club members brought their “Go Boxes” and portable station setups to show off. Then we all enjoyed brownies and root beer floats and some good conversations. To end the evening a few lucky people won some raffle prizes. See you next month!
This is Snickers the cat who likes to lay in front of the radios during the ARES and Club nets. She also can lay on the log sheet when she wants more atention.
Good turnout to the July Meeting despite the 100+ degree temperatures. Alex, KK6VIX reported that he passed the General Test. Dave, K6TQ gave a report that Field Day was a success and we doubled our score from last year. The program was given by Dave, W6TE. He presented his homemade powered tower raising and lowering winch built around a boat davit.
Next Months meeting will be “Hot August Go-box night”!
Once again the club participated in another successful ARRL Field Day Event. We worked as an 8A station in the Sacramento Valley (SV). The weather was great and band conditoins were not too bad. Thanks to all who came up to help and participate. Here are a few pictures that were taken at the even. I'll post our scores when I get them.